These pages have become a massive archive of information and discographies. Especially the Related Project Discographies. However, in the process of creating all these discographies, it's easy to get jumbled. There's so many bands and so many people!
Well, the little that it may help, here is a listing of who's who. Like some of the other sections, this page will be lacking a lot of important information. If you have anything to add, please just email me. Enjoy!
Paul Neville: |
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Paul created Fall of Because as early as 1983 with Ben Green. Justin joined at a later time, so i don't know if they had a drummer in the beginning or not.
The project dissipated somewhat around 1986-1987. Justin contacted Ben about reviving FoB, they decided to do it under a new name, Godflesh. For some reason, Paul didn't appear on the band's eponymous debut. He did appear on the Streetcleaner record in 1989 as well as 1991's Slavestate before leaving the band.
Cable Regime released their first record in 1992, Life in the House of the Enemy. This band featured Paul on guitars and vocals, as well as Dermot Dalton on bass and Steve Hough on guitars. The band has retained the original lineup to this day, and has released a number of LPs and singles.
In 1998, Justin released the Lo Fibre Companion, a 2CD set featuring the best tracks from his Lo Fibre label. One track on this compilation was by a project called AKA. This is Paul along w/ DJ??? This compilation track is the only known track, but they may have more material somewhere.
Steve Hough: |
Steve Hough plays guitar with Paul Neville's Cable Regime and appears on all their releases.
In 1999, Steve played guitar with Godflesh on their live European tour. Justin, Dermot Dalton and Steve made up Saskwatch. This project was going to release a 12" on Lo Fibre, which would have been the 5th release on that label. Unfortunately, it never came out but one track does appear on the Lo Fibre Companion, Pookah.
Steve is also part of 2 other little known related projects. Torque and Line both released one track on the Lo Fibre Companion. Unfortunately, I know of no full length releases by either band. Line also features Dermot Dalton who has appeared alongside Steve on numerous occasions. They both appear in Cable Regime, and Saskwatch.
Justin and Dermot collaborated a few times, when he helped out in the recording of 2 by Final as well as 01 by Solaris BC.
His main project was Cable Regime with Paul Neville and Steve Hough. He has appeared on all of CR's releases.
Dermot appears in the band Line who, like Saskwatch, has one track on the Lo Fibre Companion (Hollow). Saskwatch, recorded a 12" that was never released. It was the planned Fibre05 release on Lo Fibre, but never came out. One track, Pookah appeared on the Lo Fibre Companion.
Kevin Martin: |
Eternally tied in with Justin, he often goes under the name K Mart.
In 1987, Kevin created God alongside Shaun Rogan (guitars), Nick (bass) and, as Shaun puts it, "a crazy Germany guy called Michael on drums." The band continued to grow and eventually ended up with over 10 members! In 1995, God disbanded.
Ice was a similar band, created by Kevin and Justin, but sported a smaller cast than that of God. I've read that the latter band was discontinued because it was impossible to make any money with so many band members! In any event, Ice brought over Dave Cochrane and John Jobaggy (Terminal Cheesecake). With this lineup, they recorded their first record Under the Skin and subsequent remix ep Quarantine. After a 3 year break, John Jobaggy left and Lou Ciccotelli took his place. The Bad Blood record, which was released had a significantly different approach, and featured a number of guest musicians and rappers.
He may be best known for Techno Animal, where it's just him and Justin. This duo has more than one project of course. Together, they've also formed The Sidewinder, White Viper and the forthcoming Zonal projects. And these are just the projects containing those 2.
The Bug is his newest project, which is just him and Dave Cochrane.
Dave Cochrane: |
Justin and Dave probably met first when Justin joined Head of David. Both members left the band at around the same time (if not simultaneously), but later came together in Sweet Tooth, and later in God and Ice.
In 1992, Dave and Paul Neville formed a project called Shithammer, in 1992. They recorded one demo, but no releases are known.
Cochrane also plays with Kevin Martin in The Bug (as well as God/Ice).
Robert Hampson: |
One of the founders of Loop, Robert played w/ the band until their breakup in 1991. At that time, they had become friends with Godflesh, recording the Loopflesh split 7", and touring together. Loop's last show ever was with Sweet Tooth, who recorded their final release, Crash Live that very evening.
Hampson had said at that time that Godfflesh was the only band he'd consider playing with, and so the band grabbed him as a 2nd guitarist, since Paul Neville had left to pursue his Cable Regime project. Hampson only stayed with the band for a short time before leaving to pursue his new interest, Main with ex-Loop member Scott Dawson. I believe that Main had recorded some material while Robert was still with Godflesh, and newer material is significantly different from their first releases. Main is still active, though Dawson left a few years ago.
Mick Harris: |
If you thought Justin's side project activity was absurd, then you haven't seen Mick Harris. He joined Justin in 1985 to play drums in Napalm Death. Justin and Nik Bullen left the band in 1986, but Mick stayed around 1991, known for his blazing fast drumming. For more info on Napalm Death and their records, visit Twisting the Knife
Once Mick left, he joined up with Justin and Nik again when he created Scorn. Justin was a guest on the record, playing guitars on their first record, Vae Solis. Nik Bullen was a permanent member, leaving in 1995. Mick continued on, and later Scorn material is very different from the first few records.
Harris' other releases are beyond numerous. He has some other projects Quoit and Lull, and appears on a multitude of other records. For a complete listing of his works, head over to The Mick Harris Discography. For up to date information, visit News from the Box.
One of the original creators of God, Shaun left the band in 1990, right after their first release Breach Birth. He played guitar in the band, but I don't believe he pursued any other projects after departing. Justin produced their first record, and appeared on all after, as Shaun's replacement.